Pets at Heart Boutique

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Pets At Heart Boutique

Scrubba Body / Hey Hudson - Australia


Scrubba Body (for hooman) and Hey Hudson (for dog) products are meticulously handcrafted in Australia, utilizing locally-sourced ingredients that are derived from plants and are completely natural. Not only do these products deliver on their promises, but they also provide an enjoyable experience. Scrubba Body takes pride in using the finest ingredients available, ensuring that their products are 100% all-natural with a strong focus on plant-based and organic elements. Each ingredient serves a therapeutic purpose, and their oils are extracted through either cold-pressing or steam-distillation methods. To ensure premium quality, every product is carefully created in small batches. Similarly, Hey Hudson’s line of dog products features organic and plant-based ingredients known for their gentle yet effective qualities. These products have been meticulously crafted to meet the highest standards, guaranteeing a safe and enjoyable experience for your furry friends.

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